This weekend we were raking and leveling the sand on top of the compacted fill for the slab. It was just my Mum and Dad out there with me on Saturday because Guy had work commitments....although come Sunday when the rain REALLY started to fall, Guy was back in his gumboots with Dad and they worked the whole day in the pouring rain. Gotta love them.
I actually thought I'd add this little video my Mum took of Dad and I's super boring....ha! But this is what our weekends are like these days.
Party on, Guy. Party on, Katrina.
Oh and yes, you heard right....only Guy and Dad were working out at the section on Sunday. Because I was tending to Rufus who we will now refer to as Frankenkitty. He had an emergency trip to the vet due to a nasty abscess on his noggin! It was horrible, there was blood and gag reflexes (not his), a very angry Frankenkitty and a slight misunderstanding on my part that my cat was indeed pregnant and having an emergency caeserean....slightly ridiculous, he is a tomcat.... Obviously what the vet assistant meant was that they had to perform an emergency caeserean on a different lady-animal and Rufus would be a little late. Of course. That aside, he is recovering well all thanks to Dr Thea Sweeney...aka Angel Face, from Total Vets.