all together now

Saturday was an awesome day…. Both of my sisters arrived home to visit for 2 weeks!!!!!! Sarah (middle child) is living in Minnesota with her husband Maurice (aka Birdman) and Lisa (the eldest) has been living in Melbourne with her Hubby Gafa (pronounced nafa) for way too long. Gafa arrives in 5 days so we are all hanging out for him to get here too!! It has been so nice having them around… It helps that we practically live in a family communelive next door to my parents, it means all of us can mingle between the two places…
Sarah, Lisa, me
We drove out to Sumner beach for a walk and it was a good chance for everyone to check out some ‘post earthquake’ changes…. The mighty shag rock has now become shag pile…. Amazing example of the force of nature….. Kinda creeeeeepy. That is cave rock in the photo above… You used to be able to climb it and go exploring in the big cave underneath it, but the whole thing has been fenced of these days.
Ma and Pa
It was my favourite time of night… Sunset and dusk…. Everyone looked golden…. And each of them are!
20120416-083419.jpgbirdman can fly

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