I am pretty much Popeye... I go mad for spinach... If I could squeeze it out of a can with my bare carni hands and then flex my mutantly large bicep I would. Until then, I will stick to chucking handfuls of it into my hummus.... I spied bunches of spinach for 99c last week, so I bought 4! And since then I have been trying to add it to everything... This hummus was a success
2 cans organic chickpeas drained and rinsed
2T tahini
Juice of 1 lemon
1 clove garlic
2 sec pour of olive oil
Large pinch of cayenne pepper
3 massive handfuls of fresh spinach
Add water until desired consistency
Salt and peppers
Wizzzzzzzzzzzzz it up
Guy loves his sangoes and my spinach hummus went down a treat...he's not quite as much of a bulging nautical bung eyed sailor as I am so I pretty much have to hide it in his food. By the way, doesn't everything look prettier inwax paper and twine..... Yup.
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