This is how it all started.... my wonderful friend Caroline bought some gorgeous boots while she was here visiting from Wellington just over 18months ago from the now empty area that was High Street in Christchurch. They were from shoozies and were the most amazing soft leather and and such a good style. Alas, there was only one pair and seeing as she saw them first and her wallet was fatter on the day, i sat back and i admired her hooves and I quietly envied her purchase. Fast forward to a few weeks ago when Caroline was visiting once again. We got on to the subject of boots because we had both bought the exact same boots for this winter without knowing until we were standing next to each other in the same city. It prompted me to ask after my old friends and she replied that they were actually a little big and she'd never really worn them...
shut. the. front. door
Well with that conversation forgotten and Caroline being back in Wellington I was taken by complete surprise when I received a parcel in the mail containing THE BOOTS!!!! Happy day!!! I was so excited....I then recalled Caro asking for my address the week before and I hadn't even suspected anything. I was beyond elated with my new loves and next time I see Caroline I will lavish her with love and chocolate and more love and chocolate.
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