Design haze

So.... I'm hoping I will be able to blog a little more than once a fortnight..... I'm determined to not make this like every other attempt at a journal I've ever had....10 pages in and it would seem that life had stopped. I definitely feel that this blog is going to make a sharp turn into the land of designing and building your own home on a crazy small budget, because that right now, is our life. My brain will not turn off and Pinterest is going to be the death of me/ the inspiration that will keep me going. These will give you a taste of what's going on in this head of mine and what I'm hoping to have going on in our future home...




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  1. i love these photos! the second one looks sort of like our living room! (leather couch, crazy rug)

    1. I love your living room, leather couch + crazy rug combo!

  2. What great ideas! I absolutely love the living room design...almost looks like the interior of a sailboat...was that the intent? Well, happy decorating!

    1. Thanks Jenna, these are all pics I pulled from Pinterest that I found hugely inspiring. Hopefully we can carry a few of the ideas onto our house when we start the build :-)


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