Working holiday
Merry Christmas
Get a deal
Loving the land
It was a scorching 33°c the day we put the poles in..... we had to keep dunking our clothes into a drum of water and wearing them wet to stay cool-ish. But we soldiered on and got every single pole in, nice and straight! The best part about the scorching work day was that we experienced much of the goodness our soon to be new neighborhood has to offer, like a river 3mins down the road, the beach 3mins in the opposite direction, frozen berry yoghurts, fruit shacks and livestock traffic jams.
The concrete arrives tomorrow and hopefully it's all go after that! 2 more days of work then Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, 2 weeks holiday woohoooo!
Diggin' it
The poles for the shed are going in today. Woohoo!
I'm sorry that this update is shorter than Snow White's little buddy's... But I have so much to tell you all and so little time. Off to help with these poles. I mean....what would they do without me there! (They would just do it without me there) but I'm sure they would miss my voice saying things like "I don't think that pole is straight" or "I think you need to dig that hole a little deeper". This in fact, is the real reason for my short post with promise of the many other things I need to report this week... If you don't hear from me, I have been thrown into one of those holes with some water and a bag of chips (they're not monsters) and they have left me there. Come and save me, bring a rope....and some more chips.
Pining for the high country
I thought the bark made quite a nice frame and I felt like getting crafty. Arrows are so hot right now (ok, you have to say that in a zoolander voice otherwise I sound like a bit of a dick) I'm going to drill a hole in the back of each stump so that they can be hung.....on my wall/Someone else's wall after Xmas? I haven't decided. If you get these for Xmas and you read my blog, act surprised.
This land is our land
This weekend was the weekend boys dream of. We hired a digger and a truck and got to work digging out what will be our driveway and the pad where the shed will soon be built...I also mowed the grass on our tractor wearing a sparkly sequin top seeing as I forgot my work clothes, way to look as city as you possibly can. It looked like Saturday night fever collided with country calendar.... And let me tell you, it was a mess.
Jordie Lane
Worth. The. Drive.
We have his album 'Bloodthinner' but we didn't know anything about him or his style of performing. Well, it turned out to be freakin awesome... The man could be a professional storyteller/comedian, oh, and it turns out he loves dogs, a lot. Tick! you Jordie Lane are one awesome dude. He was so entertaining and witty, adding that to his list of tunes, we had a seriously great night and if you ever get the chance to see this Melbourne singer/jester... Do it!
As a bonus, one of my favourite NZ singer/songwriters Marlon Williams (lead singer of The Unfaithful Ways) was supporting Jordie on this leg of his tour. Wowza, this kid ( ....turns out he's 20 or thereabouts, slightly awkward as he's also rather easy on the eye) has a set of golden pipes. His voice makes you drift away back to your grandparents record collection playing scratchily on the turntable. He must have a dusty old soul to write and sing the way he does.... 20! Seriously.
pallety project
If you have a piece of furniture in your home that you're sick of, so sick of you have been drafting its me listing in your head, look again and see if it could benefit from a mini makeover. I bought two secondhand besides recently, $30 for the two, and painted them white, they were looking great, but the only thing about white painted furniture is that the tops of them get marked and stained faster than you can say "where's your coaster fool?!".
Now I can let my water glass ring it's little heart out, Reeessuuuuult!!