Diggin' it

What is the perfect activity to get into when its 29°c outside? Dig really deep holes and spray 130 plants to kill the evil aphids eating them. Spraying is hard by the way.... A drum of liquid on your back is HEAVY and the pump action required to make it actually spray....turns your arm into a jelly worm.


The poles for the shed are going in today. Woohoo!

I'm sorry that this update is shorter than Snow White's little buddy's... But I have so much to tell you all and so little time. Off to help with these poles. I mean....what would they do without me there! (They would just do it without me there) but I'm sure they would miss my voice saying things like "I don't think that pole is straight" or "I think you need to dig that hole a little deeper". This in fact, is the real reason for my short post with promise of the many other things I need to report this week... If you don't hear from me, I have been thrown into one of those holes with some water and a bag of chips (they're not monsters) and they have left me there. Come and save me, bring a rope....and some more chips.


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