Ok, deep breaths

Yes, those are pegs in the ground in the shape of a house. Yes, that is a digger waiting to get to work. Yes, that is Guy walking away with a push mower, and No, he didn't mow the 240sqm about to be dug up, I did! Annnnnd my body was sore the next day.......yep, from mowing grass. I need to get to a gym.
How exciting is this though, we are expecting our consent to come through this week so that we can start digging the perimeter foundations, but until then.... There were a few things we were able to do. We scraped the site ready for digging, built up another mound which we will plant in the next month or so. We also set up the profiles (seriously, I am learning a lot with this build...... Just don't ask me about the profiles) and my poor Dad managed to really hurt his back, seeing my Dad wince in pain is a rarity...This is the man that once accidentally shot a nail into his thigh with a nail gun then pulled it out with the tail of his hammer like it was a piece of wood. He has since been to the chiro and is feeling a little better but he needs to take it easy. Taking it easy is not something my Father does well so I'll be watching him.
This was probably my most exciting day to date. It was the first day we have done any physical work on the house and talk about a giant exhale.....ummm except there is actually still a lot of breath being held until this consent comes through....then it will be a super giant exhale that sends me flying around the room like a deflating balloon and landing in a wrinkly heap around my glass of Dolbel bubbly! Yeeha!
So this is the start of the big one, I'm so excited and anxious at the same time. Bring it on.


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