Friday Five
Glass all the way
Budget blow out and plans for perusal
So, I mentioned it a few posts back but I said I'd need a wine in my hand to fill you in, instead I have a head cold and Sunday night's leftover apple crumble, it will have to do.
We had a bit of a blowout with our foundations and we ended up needing a lot more concrete than we had allowed for. It wasn't a HUGE blowout, not a 'call in Kevin McCloud' kinda blow out, but it was big enough to make us reassess some major features of the house. It has meant the exterior design of our house is very different to what I showed you all those months ago...this could seem like a real major....and it would be if what we have changed to wasn't actually my first choice... before I met that Nordic Summer house that I decided I wanted to copy.
We have said goodbye to the plan of cladding the entire house in vertical cedar shiplap and in the process of this decision we have saved ourselves almost $10,000, KaaaaChing! (That would be more exciting if it wasnt going directly onto things that we are already over on) I suppose we could have just bitten the bullet and borrowed a little more but I just didn't want to, I don't want to build this dream house that we have "future proofed" with extra space and worked so hard on, only to have to miss out on things in the future because we're scrimping to pay the mortgage.
The thing is, our first home was an 80sqm, 100 year old cottage in Lyttelton and we are building this 250sqm home on 2.5 acres with the same sized mortgage. That's a big achievement for us and we want to stick to it like glue (so we can avoid a Kevin McCloud "how much did you actually spend" kinda moment) The reason we can do it for that price comes down to the fact that we spend every moment of our spare time working there and my Father (ex-builder/superman) spends all of his spare time there as well (sorry, you can't have him). We have also saved wherever possible....Including designing the house ourselves using google sketch up and giving our draughtsman a very good start.
That reminds me, I think it's time to share the plans with you. Like I said, we designed it ourselves and we tried to make it as simple as my design focused mind would allow in order to keep the price down by avoiding engineer costs. By the way, your eyes haven't suddenly detoriated, I just don't know how to get a high res image off of a PDF.
Sorry the floorplan is probably the worst quality.... You're gonna have to get your squint on. We have high ceilings throughout the front side (fire side) off the house and from the entranceway down to the bathroom. Then they drop down to a normal 2.4 stud along the south side of the house, this was done to keep the south rooms a little warmer seeing as they won't be getting any afternoon sun. We are having polished concrete throughout the entire house, excluding bedroom 2&3 which will be sisal carpet.
That's Guy Smiley standing in the frame of the front can kind of get an idea of the height of the ceilings in that area...and you can see just left of his smiley head where the ceiling drops down to normal height in the hallway.
Now for the changes to the outside....the exterior is going to be stained black shadowclad (a ply board with vertical grooves in it to give it a shiplap look). The fireplace exterior and the entranceway wall that will carry on through to the interior entrance of the house will be horizontal cedar, I found some photos online that will give you an idea of the look of the exterior colour contrast. The first pic is almost spot on with the black shadowclad and natural cedar which we will be giving a light coat of stain with a grey-ish wash.
Congratulations if you got to the end of this ridiculously long post. Hope it gives you all a bit more of a vision when you're looking at our pink frames.
Friday five
I really love when I'm looking through blogs and they have a little link list that leads me to things I hadn't heard of or seen before....and if I had heard or seen it before, I liked hearing and seeing it again. Ya know?
Well I love music, all the time, all day long. So today I have five songs to share with you that you might like too...
LAY ME DOWN ---> The Oh Hello's
SELL IT TO YOU ---> Bronze Radio Return
WHISKEY DREAMS ---> Wild Child
CATS AND DOGS ---> The Head And The Heart
Happy Friday! Framing day tomorrow.... Wooooop!
Good grey stuff
I haven't written a post for awhile, not since our concrete dreams were shattered.
Last Saturday morning at 6:30am and a frosty -4°c, we arrived at the section full of adrenaline/excitement/pure joy, we were finally pouring our slab. Seriously, such an amazing feeling to be getting out of the ground and to start building. Foundation work is the Devil. We turned into the driveway to see the pump truck driver had already arrived...early, how good of him.
Well, instead of driving his weighty truck up the gravel driveway, he thought it was a far better idea to veer off and drive through the paddock which had just had 2 weeks of flooding rain on it. A genius with a J.
He got stuck (obviously) so we pulled him out with the tractor and pointed out the route that he should taken.... Which he did with ease. Crisis averted, right? Wrong. He told us it was too late, the job had been called off. Called off before it was even scheduled to begin, by a dude who drove into a wet paddock instead of up a driveway.... I could have cried. Ok, I did cry...just a little one.
Guy cursed, Dad cursed, Dad apologized and reminded me that this was a building site.....clearly forgetting I am his daughter and I am prone to the more than the occasional f-bomb myself. (My Father is not OK with men swearing aggressively in front of Women, just ask the obnoxious drunk fella from the Ikamatua pub in 1975). My Uncle, who was there to help with the concrete, poured himself a stiff drink....Yep, at 7am. My Father in law who had just arrived to help, pointed his car back to Christchurch.
Deflated isn't even the word...
But, you can't change these things, instead we are going for 'take two' this Saturday. With a different pump driver...... Keep your fingers crossed for us.
The silver lining was that we got to have a rare weekend off... We made the most of Waikuku beach....that place is the shiz. Bonus