
This was a proud moment, it was just Dad and I on site on Thursday morning (we both took time off work) and Dad had a brilliant idea to hoist that beast of a frame up to its rightful place by using an 'endless chain' engine hoist. He climbed up the the existing framework and helped guide it up into the right place while I cranked it up with the chain. We were so proud.....until we realised it was up the wrong way....then we laughed (bitterly) and a neighbour turned up at just the right time to go for round two.

It has been the most exciting 2 weeks to date since we started this build. Paying that little bit extra for pre-nailed frames was well worth it.
The best part about this build is that we are doing it ourselves, every weekend and sometimes late after work, it's a real labour of love and we are so proud of it but it can be sooo freaking tiring. Sometimes you need a bit of a motivation injection and these frames did just that.

We started digging the top soil of the building site at Easter weekend.... There have been so many cold days and nights while we have dealt with the devils work.... Aka, foundations. But all of that is forgotten when you see the frames of your house standing proudly on top of that concrete slab! Happy day!

Ok, by the way I know it's looking massive but I promise we haven't built a mansion. We have built a house with high ceilings though and that is definitely making things look rather large. Once we get our roof on and break up the MASSIVE fireplace wall it will look a little more in proportion!

BIG thanks to the McChurchys, My Uncle John and cousin Richard who came out and gave us a hand last Saturday! You all rule!


  1. Hi Katrina, I'm Jen. I have no idea how I stumbled onto your blog - via instagram maybe? - but I'm so glad I did. I can't wait to see your home take shape. This is the oddest thing, but building somewhere around Pegasus Bay is something I've dreamed of for years. I'm from Australia, but have family in ChCh and visit there every year or so. I have three year old twin boys and think it's such a perfect holiday spot - beach, snow, open spaces, open fires, and all the rest.I think it looks idyllic, although I'm sure at times during the building process it feels anything but. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. Jen

    1. Hey Jen, I'm glad you found me....all those gorgeous things about Waikuku/Peg Bay are what keeps us going every weekend and the sheer excitement of building our own home helps of course. We can't wait to live out there full time. Thanks for saying Hi x


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