First splash of colour



We actually got to stain some cedar in the weekend! Both Mum's came armed with paint brushes to give me a hand. It was awesome. We got them all stained (front and back!! To help with warping etc) and the first few boards are already up. I felt like a bit of a genius deciding to pre-stain them like that, until we started putting them up last night.... Just when I thought I had rid my skin of black stain, it came back with a vengeance. What? You don't think black scummy nails are ladylike? Well, you're right. I look like a dirty bogan.


Next up, I need to source some giant safety nets to fill up the entire ceiling space so that I can play in them the roofers can safely put on the roof without fear of falling. All these new rules that probably have Builders' Wives at home taking a deep sigh of relief, are on the other hand enraging my Father. What's to become of these young guns that don't have to keep their wits about them while waltzing about on roof purlins and the like. Well, in my opinion they'll probably be just fine and have fewer head injuries, but no, apparently it just "turns them into idiots". So, Idiot nets it is. Hook us up.
Speaking of these necessary things you have to source during a build. I've had some fantastic people provide awesome services so far in this process and I figure it would helpful if I started to share my contacts. Keep your eyes peeled for a 'Who and what we used' page in the very near future
It was a gorgeous night last night, perfect for getting the purlins up and the fascia Guy and the tiny light coming from his head torch. We got the floodlights on soon after this of course. Another late one for the boys last night 9pm! Hardest working fellas I know.
Oh and remember this wee cutie? Hudson has come a long way since you saw him last. He visited Guy on the building site the other day and gave him some serious love and smiles. We love him!




1 comment:

  1. Your dad's comment is awesome!! So true, we need to get back to the good old days where 4 yr olds play with hammers and saws and learn to be safe by natural consequences :)


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