A roof over our heads

The roof is all done and we couldn't be happier with it. Woohoo!! The profile and the chunky spouting work perfectly with the house.....Phew!!!!


We really needed a good team to get this all done and we definitely had that.
Residential roofing put the roof on for us, they were SO fantastic and we would recommend them to anyone. Well priced and great people. They contracted out the spouting to a great guy called Warren and his cute bearded collie called Wattie.
The edge protection was provided by Pumpjack Scaffolding NZ, it was the most affordable quote we received and they followed through with awesome service.... Nothing was a problem!
Paul at Pumpjack recommended the company for the safety nets.... Funnily enough they are called Safety Nets NZ. Joe was the man we dealt with and I don't think they come much nicer than him. A super great guy who was great to deal with!
The roofing profile is ST-963 from Steel&Tube and the colour is Ironsand.



  1. Your house is looking brilliant and I am following along with keen interest. We are about to embark on a renovation/extension of our house. I found you on Instagram via Studiohome, followed you to Pinterest and have borrowed so many of your ideas to use as my own inspiration. I so wish you lived in Adelaide, South Australia, because then we could benefit from all your research and leg work too! Brilliant idea to document it all in a blog - and thanks for sharing! PS if you ever stumble across another of those macrame fruitbowls, please bear me in mind :)

    1. Hey Lisa, sorry I missed your sweet comment somehow! Thanks so much for taking an interest! Maybe you've already started your reno's... If so, hope it's going well!!! Been there, it's not easy going! Hope you don't have to remove wallpaper, the worst job ever. X

  2. Oh it is looking fabulous. Well done you guys. I bet you are itching to get in!! xxx

  3. Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!Keep up the good work.
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