A steal


How great are these hanging planters from ezibuy. I love the globe shaped one and can see a cluster of 2 or 3 hanging in our new home. Good thing they have a sweet discount when you buy 2!
Find them here Oh! How I love a good bargain.



  1. Morning, I am enjoying following your blog, we are also in the throws of building but slightly behind you. Hope you don't mind but I have a couple of quick questions... The bricks you are putting in the kitchen area, are they behind the cooker? Will you be sealing them as well as painting? Was interested to see your lighting plan, couldn't read the light options but wondered which style you went with to wash light up the walls? I am hearing you re the lighting shop plans maybe I need to get in touch with this clever lady. Thanks for your help Maria

    1. Hi Maria, thanks for reading and exciting that you're building... Would love to be mosey and hear more. Well, well, well.... I haven't even thought about sealing, was just going to straight up paint them. Do you have any opinions/pearls of wisdom when it comes to painted brick. Yes, definitely get in touch with Tina.... She is my constant 'go to' when it comes to lighting. Feel free to email me if you ever wanted to have a chat about build stuff.... Living and breathing it at the moment :-)


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