Last weekend was HUGE, we ticked so much off our ridiculously long to do list and it felt goooooood.
Let's start with the floating fire plinth (plinth? That's what we're calling it, we could be wrong) Guy and Dad poured it a few weeks back and we had it sitting in the middle of the room with all the framing and braces attached to it while it cured. Well it was well and truly cured by last weekend and it was time to reveal it in all it's floating glory.
Gone.....apart from the plastic
Guy had the job off grinding and polishing it, then I had the job of having an asthma attack from all the dust.....ok, a little was a wheezy cough....
I got all the kitchen/dining nail holes filled, my Father in law sanded them all and then I started painting all the grooves ready for the roller.
Dad got the chimney all ready for the cap to go on and with a bit of muscle we got it up on the roof
The next day, we hired a wet saw and finally after months of sitting there, this pile of bricks I scored for $21 were turned into tiles/slips. It was a BIG job and poor Guy was at it allllll day long. Constantly bent over, constantly wet and very cold. I felt kinda bad being all warm inside painting....not bad enough to stop him though. He got all of them done, I carted them all around to the front of the house, then Dad started putting them up.
I took this photo this morning. We have done all the bricks behind where the fire will sit because it would be a little hard to do it after it's in. I absolutely love them and although Guy and Dad think it would be a shame to paint them white (as was always the plan) I'm sticking to my guns. We are putting a black woodburner on top of the plinth, and we all know they aren't the MOST beautiful of things, but they are the most efficient and as much as I tend to focus on the design, I don't want to be impractical.
But if we left those bricks natural it would immediately look like instant 80's decor with a logburner in front of them.....a wall by itself, awesome, id keep them.... But I'm just not ready to go full design circle to the years of my birth. I have a few ideas floating round, originally I thought we would do it all white and then I thought to let the fire 'sink in' and not be such a feature I would paint a darker colour behind it..... Still not sure, so I will do it one step at a time....
Here are some of my pins I used for inspiration.
The above house is utter perfection in my eyes, right down to the cute little dog in the corner
And lastly, I love this half painted wall. Hmmmm so many ideas to play with!
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