Build progress according to my instagram feed

For those of you who rely on my updates here, not instagram. I'm sorry, blame instagram and all of its easy instantaneous-ness. You probably thought we had been slacking off. Quite the opposite though. So I'm going to drop a photo bomb. 3,2,1


Starting with the kitchen/dining





Living/fire zone


I think we're going with this pattern for the fire predicament (last post)




I think that gets you pretty much up to date!!! Always apologizing for my hazy photos, and here goes again.... Sorry! Call it laziness but busy sounds waaaaay better. It's all iPhone and blogging apps around here.
Oh and I will post more often, hand on my heart. Pinky swear, yada yada yada. But really.



  1. It's looking amazing. That hanging chair - I'm in love. Relaxing in that with a good book would be heaven! Unfortunately my house is too teeny for one. It's on my wish list for my imaginary new home :-)

    1. Hi Nicola, ohhhhh the chair is freaking awesome! It didn't fit in my last house either (80sqm) but it's finally found its place! Thank you x

  2. Holy Smokes. You are both creating such beauty. Love reading your words - inspiration everywhere i look. I really hope you don't mind me asking... are you able to please disclose your secret to where to purchase a similar utensil holder (with the face...). Wowzers. I love your rugs too! My rug obsession is just beginning... Keep up the hard work and enjoy the journey. Big smiles from your newest follower x

    1. Hey Tracey!! Thanks so much for the lovely comment, So cool that you're enjoying it, I got the utensil vessel from freedom furniture. I think it's a vase. But it's the perfect hoof for a ladle! Xx

  3. Wow we love the design of your house! Do you mind if we ask what interior paint colours you went with? Thanks


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