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I don't know if I can credit this recipe to "the chicken for my salad didn't thaw in time" or "pumpkins are dominating Pinterest right now and filling my head with possible pumpkin uses" either way this little recipe was created in my kitchen by accident one night and its become a staple. In all honesty, I'm not the biggest salad fan (I pick the side of fries every time) but there is something about the weather warming up that makes you crave a lighter meal in the evening isn't there? And a beer. This salad has just the right amount of 'fill you up' ingredients so that you don't feel like you're eating at a restaurant run by giant rabbit chefs.

Roast at 200 degrees Celsius until golden and cooked through

  • A wedge of pumpkin big enough to feed the amount you're feeding, chopped into cubes
  • Raw almonds
  • A can of chickpeas
  • Olive oil & Salt and pepper or some spices if you're feeling spicy
Once they're done set your salads up in separate bowls, we used

  • Baby spinach leaves
  • Avocado
  • Sliced red onion
  • Feta
  • Tomato
Pop your roasted trio on top and squeeze lemon juice and balsamic vinegar over the whole lot.

  • Eat it
The above salad is what Guy called "man-salad" man-salad is achieved by adding leftover roast lamb from the night before.
Lady salad
Excuse the photos, I'm no Donna hay and my balsamic vinegar is going to splash on my bowl and I'm not going to wipe it before I take the photo.... I was ravenous at this point and taking two photos before digging in was hard enough. I don't know how Don's does it...

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