stage one, done & done

WELL, Today we met with our draughtsman and went through some final bits and pieces to confirm our design...eeeeeee so much excite. A few things I'm looking forward to the most are... my high ceilings, my white painted brick super-would you like fries, onion rings and a soft serve with that-sized fireplace, and the fact that we have decided on our exterior scheme! HUZZAH!!!!
We knew we wanted vertical cedar but we have been completely inspired by this summer house designed by Stockholm architect Mikael Bergquist to keep it all natural with white trimmed windows and a charcoal roof. It's gonna take a while for the wood to weather to that great silver colour but I'm just going to have to hold tight, because I want it to look just like this wee beauty.
I first saw this home on Nordic Design blog via Pinterest... Seriously, how did we design our new homes, plan weddings, get dressed, decide what to have for dinner or get inspired to go for a run walk before Pinterest!
Now that the plans are all confirmed its time to get onto the costings..... Deep breath.... Lets hope the dream home isn't just that!!!
All house photos taken by Mikael Bergquist

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