Out of the build

We actually do have a life out of the build, I just wanted to prove it to you. We went to an incredible wedding on the 20th and Guy was a handsome groomsman... I apparently started to blush when I saw him.....real smooth.
Such a massively fun party complete with swing band, flash mob, singing wedding party and a roomful of hat wearing heads! I love our possum tail backdrop...


Ok, deep breaths

Yes, those are pegs in the ground in the shape of a house. Yes, that is a digger waiting to get to work. Yes, that is Guy walking away with a push mower, and No, he didn't mow the 240sqm about to be dug up, I did! Annnnnd my body was sore the next day.......yep, from mowing grass. I need to get to a gym.
How exciting is this though, we are expecting our consent to come through this week so that we can start digging the perimeter foundations, but until then.... There were a few things we were able to do. We scraped the site ready for digging, built up another mound which we will plant in the next month or so. We also set up the profiles (seriously, I am learning a lot with this build...... Just don't ask me about the profiles) and my poor Dad managed to really hurt his back, seeing my Dad wince in pain is a rarity...This is the man that once accidentally shot a nail into his thigh with a nail gun then pulled it out with the tail of his hammer like it was a piece of wood. He has since been to the chiro and is feeling a little better but he needs to take it easy. Taking it easy is not something my Father does well so I'll be watching him.
This was probably my most exciting day to date. It was the first day we have done any physical work on the house and talk about a giant exhale.....ummm except there is actually still a lot of breath being held until this consent comes through....then it will be a super giant exhale that sends me flying around the room like a deflating balloon and landing in a wrinkly heap around my glass of Dolbel bubbly! Yeeha!
So this is the start of the big one, I'm so excited and anxious at the same time. Bring it on.


Recap, update


We took possession of the section on September 21st 2012 and we are now in April 2013. I think when we bought it, Guy and I had these ideals in our head, we were gonna have our plans in for consent by the end of 2012 and hopefully pouring our foundations in late Jan or Early Feb giving us plenty of long end of summer days to get as much work done before Winter....


That was before we met reality


Reality is often a slightly muddier version of what you imagine.


We did get our consent in as of two weeks ago and now we wait HOPING that it comes back with a big green light and a GO sign in the next few weeks. Cross your fingers for us. Because the days are getting shorter and shorter and winter is fast approaching which means Guy (an integral team member) will be working almost 100% of the time. This means that building is going to be pretty slow, add to that my parents are off on a well deserved holiday to the States to visit my Sister and Brother-in-law for 5 weeks! So there isn't a huge amount of the big stuff we can get done when Dad is away seeing as he is the man with the know how. Guy has picked up so many skills during the shed/workshop build though, I'm pretty sure he'll have a hefty list of what he can do in Dad's absence!


Another big one is the financing of such a project, well we are hoping to be doing it in stages, for example, we borrow x amount and we advise what that amount will be going towards and what we should expect to have finished with that money...when that checks out, we go to the next stage, then the next etc etc until it's all done at the amount we agreed upon.

When we start to draw down on these mortgages we will need to move in with my parents.....goodbye little house.....that part will be hard.

My Parents are great, obviously, we live in front of them and soon they will live in a cottage on the 2.5 acres with us. But Guy and I have lived alone together for so many years now, that moving in with ANYONE would be hard. You have your own habits and roles/jobs around the house and... ya know when you just don't feel like seeing anyone or don't have the energy for chats after a long day, you can just BE with your husband, on the couch, watching tv and not even notice that you haven't spoken a word for over an hour because you're both totally comfortable and happy to be sitting silently in each others company. It's those times of just being completely alone together that I will miss. I'm sure my parents feel the same way!!! Haha! But it's not for a long time, hopefully this build won't turn out to be one of those 5 year long 'Grand Designs' fails.....it's a hardly a grand design so I'm sure we'll be fine.




When I think about what we've got done in that time though, I think we can all be pretty proud! We started with a paddock and we now have a proper section, complete with mailbox.....although I'll touch on that another time.

Jobs done so far-

Planted a shelter belt of 100 trees

Built a post and rail fence and entrance gates

Excavated and partially completed a 100m long drive way and turning pad

Built a board and batten pump shed

Put in a water tank

Set up hundreds of meters of irrigation

Built a 160sqm workshop and shed which will be hugely utilized during the build

Landscaped mounds ready to be planted

There are so many sub-jobs that go into every one of those things that I would be here forever, if I know anything for sure, it's that we will appreciate our new one more than anything. As every part of it will be built with our blood, sweat and tears!


i think below is a great during and after shot of the workshop/shed...



chocolate bunnies

4 glorious days off work, one day trip to Hickory bay with friends Penny + Seth and baby Jack, 3 days working on the section, 100 gazillion chocolate bunnies in our tummies. Win!
Little river stop off for possibly the best spinach and feta scone ever...
Board bags come with nappy bags for Seth these days
Walking in to Hickory Bay



There's always time to cut some beach shapes

Penny and her delicious wee man Jack
Then I stole him....baby hog...... And he fell asleep! Awwwww
Surprise! Ju and Caleb arrived.... Ju got in on some Jack love as well.
Walking back over the hill to reality....

Dinner at the Akaroa hilltop pub....that place is amazing these days! If you haven't been lately, do go!
We also watched baby seals jumping, diving and frolicking in the water while we ate far too much cheese, focaccia and chips..... although too much of those three things is never enough in my opinion. All in all, it was one of those days that made you feel incredibly lucky to be living in New Zealand...
Such a great day out and soooo many photos that I think I will post about the section work another time. I am planning on getting myself a proper little point and shoot camera at some stage....the iPhone is just so damn easy but not the best when it comes to picture quality I guess.
Hope you all had a great break and ate plenty of hot cross buns with creme egg chasers..... X